Mr. Abishur Prakash, geopolitical futurist, from Canada, the author of the book: „Next Geopolitics”
Date of event: 17th January 2022. 18:00 CET (in classroom QA407)
Topic: Vertical World
For registration please visit:
About the topic:
The world as you know it as ending. The world that your professors, parents, and pundits have grown up in no longer exists. A new, vertical world is emerging full of technology-based walls and barriers. The world is dividing because of technology. It doesn’t matter what industry you work in or what time zone you live in, the Vertical World will challenge your future and fate. From immigration to business expansion to academia, new “vertical borders” have begun to form, creating a new design for the world. For example, did you know:
- Taiwan has proposed a ban on people working in its high-tech industries from visiting China
- The EU is rapidly “unplugging” from the US to achieve what it calls “tech sovereignty”
- Big Tech is creating its own “territories” in the world in areas like the metaverse and undersea Internet cables
This 60-minute talk, delivered by Abishur Prakash, will open your eyes to the new geography that you will have to navigate and master. The Vertical World is not on the horizon. It has begun to form from Boston to Beijing, from Singapore to Sao Paulo. What will it mean for you?
About our guest:
Abishur Prakash is the world’s top authority on geopolitics of technology. He is a co-founder and geopolitical futurist at Center for Innovating the Future (CIF), an advisory firm located in Toronto.
At CIF, Abishur works with Fortune 500 companies, governments, and institutions to help them succeed in tech-driven geopolitics. In 2013, Abishur coined the expression “Next Geopolitics” to define how technologies like AI and 5G are reshaping geopolitics.
He is the author of five books, including his latest book, “The World Is Vertical: How Technology Is Remaking Globalization.”
Abishur has appeared in some of the world’s largest media outlets, including CNBC, BBC, CNN, Fortune, The Telegraph, South China Morning Post, and Nikkei Asia.
He was born in New Zealand to parents from India, had his childhood in Australia, and has grown up in Canada.
Abishur Prakash’s personal website: http://abishurprakash.com/
The event is organized jointly with BC4LS (Budapest Centre For Long-term Sustainability), for more information about them, visit: https://www.bc4ls.com/